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Citizenship is DEAD: Become an Anticitizen.

Our world is becoming less free, less prosperous, and less safe. Do you have a backup plan? Be free. Be untouchable. Be an Anticitizen.

Freedom. Prosperity. Sovereignty.

The Anticitizen philosophy is simple...

The ability to travel freely.

To live and where you choose.

To make and keep more money.

To pay the absolute legal minimum in taxes.

And to maximise opportunity for yourself and your family on our global stage.

It's a dream that used to be held by many.

But one that's slowly being destroyed by inflation, increased government oversight, hyper-surveillance, rising inequality, a loss of opportunity, and more crippling taxes than at any point in human history.

But this isn't doesn't have to be your reality...

You'll learn EXACTLY how to...

Acquire a second (or third, or fourth...) passport or residency. Possibly at no cost.

Legally lower your tax rate to 5%, 1%, or even zero.

Get an "economic residency" in another nation in weeks, without ever stepping foot there.

The best places to protect your money and assets from global volatility.

Ideal locations to buy—and store—alternative assets like gold and crypto.

Buy and hold certain assets anonymously, away from prying eyes

Structure your business life via offshore companies and legal entities

Find the best places to live, work, or get residency as a digital nomad.

Become truly free...

"But I'm already free!"

We've heard many say that before.

Especially those who live in the supposedly "free" West.

But are you really?

How free do you feel?

Let's rewind 100 years...

At the dawn of the last century, our world was a very different place.

Income taxes didn't really exist.

You didn't need your government's approval to buy land, grow food, get married, collect rainwater, sell a product, or operate a mode of personal transport.

No permission was required to build your own home, renovate it as you pleased, or install a wood-burning stove.

You didn't need to ask your government to start a business, and you sure weren't required to pay them for paperwork to prove your new company was legitimate.

And if your country was going to hell in a handbasket—either due to economic turmoil, lack of opportunity, or war—you could relocate elsewhere in the pursuit of a better life; no passport or visa necessary, because they didn't really exist.

But that's very different to the world we live in today.

Today, you need to ask Big Brother to do everything described above... and more.

In our depressing modern world,

here's how free you AREN'T...

In a country like the United States, Germany, Australia, or the UK, you must obey up to 300,000 federal laws or pieces of legislation—not including those also enforced by the city or state you live in.

Apart from income tax, most citizens of the West pay up to an additional 150 "hidden taxes" in daily life; things like sales tax, VAT, road taxes, fuel excise duties, and more.

If you were born with only a single passport, you're most likely very restricted to where you can live, work, start a business, travel, enjoy the dating scene, or search for new opportunities.

And if you have no idea how to navigate our increasingly-globalised world,

Yet despite all this control, some who live in our societies think we need more.

More taxes, more legislation, more restrictions, and more laws to keep us "safe."

We can almost hear them say:

"Govern me harder, daddy!"

Still believe you're free? The truth is, you're not.

But you can become more sovereign than most.



At Anticitizen, we believe there are three keys to living a truly sovereign life. In The Bunker, we'll give you all the tools and knowledge necessary to master each one—as quickly as possible.

Focusing on just one will be enough to radically change your life. But all three? You'll be bulletproof no matter the state of your nation, or the world around you.


Multiple passports and residency permits guarantee freedom of movement, opportunity, and lifestyle. This is the foundation of building an indestructible life of freedom.


Whether through setting up intelligent business structures or changing your legal tax residency, our members enjoy global tax rates of 5%, 2% or even zero—all completely legally.


Earning more, keeping more, making your money work better, or protecting it from any kind of financial calamity: Anticitizen's global network will ensure you do just that.

At Anticitizen, your personal freedom is our sole focus. Boundless independence is our business.

We don't just talk about sovereignty and personal freedom: we live it.

This is why we've been able to help thousands of private students already.

Because what we teach works.

Our system is backed by results.

While most of the world seems insane, our members are flourishing. Here are just a handful of the results we've helped some of them achieve:

Legally lower their global taxable income to under 3% within a year...

Trace their ancestry allowing them to claim a European passport they didn't know they were eligible for...

Incorporate a business offshore in just one week, resulting in a 0% corporate tax rate...

Buy cheap international real estate that was flipped for 2.7x profit in just a few years...

Get out of the USA, work remotely, and make $120K per year totally tax-free...

Buy and hold cryptocurrency completely anonymously, without the need for KYC or ID checks...

Set up offshore bank accounts in a matter of days to achieve greater banking freedom...

Get an internationally-recognised identification card available to anyone, that can be used globally to open bank accounts, buy assets, and for travel...

Acquire a new citizenship and passport in South America almost immediately, while spending effectively no time on the continent...

In a matter of weeks to legally become a 0% tax resident of a nation that requires them to spend only a day a year in-country to maintain it...

Give birth to their child in a new country that immediately granted it citizenship, and the parents soon after...

Buy and store gold in hyper-secure facilities around the planet, with a minimum of fuss...

Use intelligent legal structures that stopped others from going after their assets with legal claims, and allowed them to pass 100% of their wealth to their family without inheritance tax...

Travel without concern by protecting their safety, security, and health globally, no matter what situation arose...

And MUCH more!

By following our battle plan for global freedom, our students have achieved all the above and more.

We know you can do the same.

In fact, we guarantee it.

Are you ready to enter?



A complete arsenal of tools to achieve global freedom, no matter the state of the world.

As a member of The Anticitizen Bunker, you will access...

× The world's largest and most up-to-date database of citizenships and residencies

× Suite of deep-dive fundamental articles, to get you up to speed about the basics of becoming an Anticitizen

× Global database on tax rates by nation, modernised with weekly updates

× Global database of digital nomad visas; the first and easiest path to global travel and work freedom for new Anticitizens

× Weekly reports, tutorials, and data insights, uncovering changes and trends in the world of global sovereignty

× Live calls and Q&A sessions with the Anticitizen founder and team

× Our Rolodex of vetted global suppliers to help you achieve freedom—lawyers, accountants, real estate contacts, and more

× A lifetime of freedom...

My name is Leon Hill.

I'm a writer, former soldier, passport collector, freedom advocate, and founder of Anticitizen.

So far, I've empowered over 3,600 private students, and millions of people via my writing, to achieve a bulletproof level of personal sovereignty—freedom of movement, income, and lifestyle.

I created the term "Anticitizen" to describe my philosophy of selecting from the best regulations, rules, and lifestyles offered by all nations, instead of being confined just by those of my home country.

Yet this isn't the reality for most.

Most are forced to endure the business environment, quality of life, and opportunities of the country they live in.

Most are burdened by excessively high taxes, with no say in what their government overlords demand.

And if times get tough? If their country is hit by economic distress, cultural upheaval, or even war?

Most have no backup plan. No way out.

Most people are simply "citizens", bound by the limits of one country.

An Anticitizen is not.

Anticitizen (noun); "A person who practices legal rebellion against the restrictions of the nation in which they live, or were born."

Leon Hill, Anticitizen Founder.

Do you want to exist like most people?

Or live free as an Anticitizen?

My own personal example is proof that with the right knowledge, true sovereignty and detachment from "the machine" is possible.

Born with just a single passport, I'm currently working towards my fifth citizenship, which I'll hold within the next two years.

I hold multiple residencies around the globe—in Europe, South America, and the Pacific—each carefully chosen to optimise my banking, investing, and tax obligations.

My assets are spread across half a dozen countries, sheltering my wealth from any possible storm.

And while six-figure tax bills have previously crushed me, my effective tax rate today stands at less than 1%. Completely legally.

No matter the shifts or shocks in the global landscape, I am prepared. I will always have a sanctuary; a place where life is better.

I am an Anticitizen.

Join us...

What you'll discover inside Anticitizen's


Core Training


These are the foundations on which your life as an Anticitizen will be built.

In dozens of deep-dive fundamental training sessions, you'll be given the knowledge you need to begin crafting a sovereign life perfect for you.

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The world's most up-to-date databases for tax, residency, citizenship, and more.

Whether it's searching for the lowest tax rates for an offshore company, discovering the best opportunities for a digital nomad visa, or paths for citizenship or residency in literally every country on Earth, you'll find it all here.

Live Sessions


A monthly Q&A session, and the most pressing global news covered by our team.

Each month our founder Leon will drop in with a video session covering the "must-knows" of the current global scene, as well as what our team has learned on the ground around the world.

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Supplier Network


Becoming free is difficult. But it's even more so without the right help.

Need a lawyer to process your citizenship or residency application? Or looking for an expert to help you find the best real estate opportunities in Tulum? For all these and everything in between, our rolodex of vetted suppliers has you covered.

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Weekly Reports


The world is changing quickly—we'll help you keep up.

Each week, we drop multiple up-to-the-minute guides and reports for our private members, including must-know statistical analysis of important events, key data sets, and essential tutorials to help you become more globally sovereign.

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We want to make it an absolute no-brainer for you to enter the Anticitizen Bunker today. If you don't find it to be of incredible value, just contact us within a week of your initial purchase and we'll provide you with a full refund. No BS, no questions asked. It's that easy.


Freedom. Security. Prosperity.

Your life as an Anticitizen starts today.

Join the Anticitizen Bunker today risk-free with our 100% money-back guarantee for the first 7 days.

Become an Anticitizen.

By joining the Anticitizen membership on this page, you agree to be billed today for a year of membership, then again each year until cancelled. You can cancel at any time via replying to your purchase email, or emailing us via the contact details within the membership itself. You are protected by our money-back guarantee at any time if a refund is requested within the first seven days of your initial purchase. Anticitizen makes all efforts to provide correct and up-to-date information to our members, though as information in the membership is based on our personal research, some content may be out of date or incorrect. Therefore, you should take care when implementing anything from the Anticitizen membership. All information provided in the membership should not be considered legal, financial, or tax advice, and is for information purposes only. You should always consider your personal circumstances, and seek appropriate advice from relevant professionals. No information within the Anticitizen membership should be considered advice or professional recommendation.

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Copyright Anticitizen OÜ, Estonia — All rights reserved.



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